7/17/2011: 60-Lap Night (Twin-30s Again!)

JULY 17TH, 2011: The undisputed winningest karter in Central New York did it again. Matt Stevens won the 2nd Twin-30 of the night, leading all 30 laps, but did so by actually coming in last in the first 30-lapper, which was won by his cousin Tim Galletta, who also led all 30 laps in the first feature. Our racing is so close, that passing is at a premium and one mistake can be the difference between first and last. 60 laps of racing only saw 1 caution for one spinout. Clean, competitive racing from green to checker. Come back later today and again all week for more updates. Also, we are looking at Saturday race for next weekend to get more drivers (per request of some drivers who WILL come opposed to leaving Sundays open for a few drivers who used to and might come, but don't anymore), as so far this season, 7-9 drivers per class a week may be cool beans for gyno-exam-seat seat cookie-cutter kiddie kart classes, but it is not how grown men (and woman) drivers like to race. Contact us and more will be posted soon. Read more: [ YOUTUBE VIDEO COMING SOON: PLEASE CHECK BACK!]
DVD Highlight YouTube Video
Galletta's 2011/7/17 Karting - 60-Lap Night - 1st Twin 30
Galletta's 2011/7/17 Karting - 60-Lap Night - 2nd Twin 30
Note: The 2nd video was accidentally processed in 16:9 widescreen, but both camera angles are both 4:3 standard screen. Sorry about that. Other than that, it still came out pretty nice.
As usual, all of our YouTube videos are LOW-RESOLUTION, heavily edited and COMPRESSED highlghts from our weekly DVDs, which are of standard DVD quality and unedited. Also, all YouTube highlight reels are compiled on "Year In Review" DVDs at a rate of 1 or 2 volumes per year. Please ask me if you want a copy of any DVD in our library (just tell me the date and/or who won) for $3 each (in plastic baggie), $4 each (in paper disc sleeve), or $5 each (in plastic disc cover).
Above is this race's menu. For a DVD copy of this race, please e-mail or call Chris Stevens and ask for Galletta's Karting Club 2011 Volume #3. Each disc is chock full of between 1 to 3 hours of racing, predominantly from multiple angles and are only $5 each (discounts available for multiple copies). We accept PayPal or cash, and can either ship or arrange for pickup.
Race Results
Early on in the show, Joe Sereno tried to get under his brother Justin Galletta and spun out. This would be the only caution of the night.
Here Justin Galletta (#7) holds off his cousins-once-removed Matt (#33) and Chris Stevens (#8) while his dad Tim charges in the lead up ahead.
And as can be seen on the video, Timmy (#54) had a tow-in and yet was able to maintain the lead.
Yep, for 30 laps, this is essentially how close the racing was. Beat that gyno-cookie-cutter-kiddie-track karts! ;)
Late in the race, Joe Sereno was able to recover from his early spin and get Matt back with a couple of laps to go. And on the last lap, Chris Stevens barely snipped Justin at the line for 3rd, after Justin had maintained the position for the first 29 laps! That's how close our racing is, folks. And clean, family-friendly racing at that!
Starting Lineup:
Final Order Of Finish:
One of the original Galletta's Club karters made it out to get some laps in! Brian Galletta wasn't dressed, but he took the #9 out for a few laps at the start of the feature to get into the points and work into the handicap for maybe next race. Brian used to race with us all the time, was visiting points champ for many of our late-90s/early 2000s seasons and has won two features, and if his arm can handle it (arm surgery effected his ability to run weekly), he could be a weekly threat at picking up some wins.
The 2nd feature, as usual with twin-feature races at Galletta's - started inverted from the finish of the 1st. But... OOPS... Matt came in last. Oh, f***!
Matt pulled away from everyone for a relatively easy win, although when Matt ran into lapped traffic, Joe Sereno (#5) was reeling them in, but simply ran out of laps before he could try and trap Matt behind a slower kart - usually the only way Matt is ever caught and passed... ever. He's that good. In the open, he's usually gone. The best race of this 2nd feature was a rematch between Justin and Chris, and although Chris tested him from first lap to last, even getting a few ties in at the finish line, but this time Justin held him off for 3rd. Another clean, quick, fun race! Just too bad that Matt got to start on the pole and get his 4th win of the season with relative ease. More drivers on the track means more people to be buffers between Matt and last, so where are the racers? Come on out, pu$$ies! :)
Starting Lineup:
Final Order Of Finish:
Next weekend's racing is going to be an experiment. We will be holding a Saturday race for rookies and drivers who have missed at least one race so far this year - a Rookie/Retcon race. Then, our standard race (which can also have rookies and retcons) will take place Sunday.
2011 Point Standings as of 7/17/2011
Position |
Name (Go-Karts Piloted) |
Total Points (Place) |
Average Points Per Feature |
Events |
Features |
Heat Wins |
2011 Feature Wins |
Career Feature Wins (2000-up) |
Years Pro at Galletta's |
1st |
1,033.0 |
122.71 |
6 |
9 |
0 |
4 |
102 |
16th |
2nd |
991.5 |
110.17 |
6 |
9 |
0 |
1 |
55 |
16th |
3rd |
965.0 |
107.22 |
6 |
9 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
3rd |
4th |
964.0 |
107.11 |
6 |
9 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
(R) |
5th |
958.5 |
106.50 |
6 |
9 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
(R) |
6th |
928.5 |
103.17 |
6 |
9 |
0 |
1 |
5 |
5th |
7th |
465.5 |
93.10 |
2 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
2nd |
8th |
400.5 |
100.13 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
0 |
3 |
3rd |
9th |
367.5 |
91.88 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
(R) |
10th |
328.0 |
65.60 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(R) |
11th |
283.0 |
94.33 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
2nd |
12th |
118.0 |
59.00 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
5th |
13th |
80.0 |
80.00 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(R) |
Key: Notes: |
<- Last Race |
Next Race-> |
Handicap Start Order for the Next Race:
As usual with all GKC Regular Season events, starts are handicapped via (1) Wins and (2) Points-per-race. Exceptions are:
(a) 2nd of a Twin-Feature [Starting Grid for 2nd will be inverted from finish of the 1st], and
(b) Annual Klassic Championship 200 [Starting Grid is set via time trial speed, time trial order is set by total points].
Driver |
2011 Wins |
2011 Points-Per-Race |
Brian Galletta | 0 | 59.00 |
Jason Platt (R2) | 0 | 91.88 |
Jeff Tetro | 0 | 93.10 |
AJ Nason | 0 | 94.33 |
Randy Platt | 0 | 100.13 |
Melissa Stevens | 1 | 103.17 |
Justin Galletta (R2) | 1 | 106.50 |
Joe Sereno (R2) | 1 | 107.11 |
Tim Galletta | 1 | 107.22 |
Chris Stevens | 1 | 110.17 |
Matt Stevens | 4 | 114.78 |
Any Additional New Entrants | 0 | 0.00 |
(R1) = Raw Rookie
(R2) = Experienced Rookie
With only six people to start the night, something's wrong. How, in the alleged race town of Oswego, NY - with all the buzz about the Steel Palace getting new owners and a facelift (odd... we went there weekly for the better part of the past three decades, why only now are people going back?), and many people who are then getting the race-bug and looking into karting - we can only get 6-8 people to show up to race? With several arrive-and-drive karts sitting idle? Any of which a veteran driver could hop in and win any given feature? With flexible rules that allow bigger people to race evenly with smaller people instead of splitting it into dozens of meaningless divisions by weight, motor and age? Really? Even when we purposefully schedule around local tracks in order to try and squeeze a few local race-lovers in? Really? There are people out there, likely reading this, who know one reason why. But former friends with childish and warrant-less vendettas who become disgruntled, gossipy back-stabbers aren't the only issue. Holding Sunday races to get a few Oswego fans out (that don't care to stop by), is getting nowhere, because people out of town have work the next day and can't make it. So, now we are going to attempt some Saturday races in order to get some people from outside of Oswego to race, because it appears that too many local race fans are looking lustily at a converted parking lot as a dreamy stepping stone to the Steel Palace -- and getting utterly fleeced for five minute races-- instead of looking at evenings of good, clean, affordable racing with good drivers and equal equipment.
Location & Sponsor
Galletta's Backyard Go-Kart Speedway is a free-to-race-on and free-to-watch 0.133887 mile dirt oval with 20-degree banked turns. It is located behind Galletta's Greenhouse in Oswego, NY, and can be seen from outer space! The single-wheel-drive gasoline-fueled flathead motor karts take the track between 15-17 seconds per lap which averages over 30 mph (approximately 45-50 mph top speed in the straights). Our speeds are comparable to alcohol/methanol-fueled karts that cost 8 times as much because we use mostly homemade or rebuilt go-karts and gas on a large track; leading to more karts, more competition, and more fun. Our class is usually the largest and most competitive in the area. Thanks to Google Earth for this Spring 2006 photo. Our karting club's home track is located in back of:
Galletta's Greenhouses
60 County Route 20
Oswego, NY 13126-6512
(315) 343-0879 or (315) 343-4281
Need directions? Here they are!
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